Candace, Cassie, Tami & Calie

Candace, Cassie, Tami & Calie
December 26, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Mom of Slacker.

All I will say is last week, no exersise,wine and  food.  Me TOOOOOOO!  Today I did watch the calories and just compled one hour of yoga and now I'm sweeting off last week.

- Tamara

Week 1 and Week 2

Sorry I have been really busy.

Week 1: I did really good! I did all of my workouts and I ate so damn good.
I felt better about my self at the end of the week and I was so proud.

Week 2: I did alright I didnt go to the gym as much as I wanted to. I ate pretty good all week
and the weekend hit and that was the end of it.
I lost some of my belly fat! YAY! finally!

I have lost my motivation this week too but I think Cass is right. After Christmas and The New Year we all will be singing a different tune! keep up the good work ladies. Your the strongest girls I have ever known. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

- Calie

Motivation over Christmas??

To the last post,

 I feel the same way. I have set a goal for this week and it seems to be helping me stay on track. I think after christmas it will be much better and after the first of the year as well. Once January 1 hits, I think we all will be singing a different tune!! Set a goal for this week, and make it a reasonable goal. Give yourself a break on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Everyone needs a break to enjoy life. Just don't over endulge!!
Good Luck...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Totally lost my motivation

I have been such a ridiculous slacker this week.  I have totally lost my motivation to work out.  I need some words of encouragement.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cassie's Week 1

So week one had its ups and downs. I am eating heathier, feeling healthier and I have lost some weight! I had 1 bad day- which involved my work party. I am really excited on how well I am doing with my eating habits. I have always worked out, but with my new work schedule I have 2 set days durring the week and I have been doing 2 hours at least to make up for the day I cannot workout because I have to work late. I worked out a total of 4.5 hours in seven days.
This weeks goal:
Exercise for 6 hours. My workouts have included body pump-(lifting), body combat, and cycling.
Stay away from any candy or icecream!

Muffin Tin not Muffin Top

Yesterday was another day of giving up.  I have a new determination today so what to do today?  First, I marched the rest of the Mindy Mints down stairs for the shop guys to eat.  Second I decide when I start my morning with oatmeal and a protein I do much better in the day.  Third, I ‘m going to read a healthy article each morning when I eat breakfast.  Maybe it will get my mind going in the right direction.   Here is the article I read today from the calorie counts web site. I think I’ll try a few recipes and let you know how they are.
5 Reasons to Use Your Muffin Tin

By Matthew Kadey, MSc., RD
The muffin tin might be the most versatile piece of cooking gear you have in the kitchen. Here’s why you should start giving your muffin tin a stiff workout.
 1.  Built-in Portion Control
The growing size of meal portions in the past couple decades coincides with the steady rise in obesity in America. A recent study from Cornell University compared recipes in seven editions of The Joy of Cooking published from 1936 to 2006. Researchers found the average calories per serving increased for 17 of the 18 recipes analyzed due to a shift to larger serving sizes and higher-calorie ingredients.  One way to fight escalating portions is to prepare your meals in the muffin tin.  Be it mini-sized meatloaf or chocolate cake, the muffin tin creates built-in portion control helping you stay on good terms with the scale.
 2.  Save Energy
Using a muffin tray can slash cooking time by up to half. Not only will this get food to the table quicker, but it will also result in an energy savings. What’s more, by reducing the time you use the oven, you can reduce heat coming from your kitchen.  For example, if you divide the batter for a pumpkin loaf among muffin trays, cooking time decreases by 30 to 50 percent.
3.  Better Lunches
Smaller food items cooked using the muffin tin can make preparing lunches easier for adults and children. You can bake up a batch of mini-salmon cakes on Sunday and you can have a week’s worth of calorie-controlled portions. For style points, a Japanese bento box is a perfect lunch container for your muffin tray creations.
4.  Improved Taste
Cooking items in smaller portions decreases the risk of food drying out. So using your muffin tin could improve taste by keeping food moist longer than food baked in loaf pans.
 5.  Variety
From mini-pizzas to a low-fat panna cotta, and even muffins, there is no shortage of recipes that can be adapted for use in the muffin tin.  Try your favorites and see if smaller is better.  Here’s one to get you started:
What do you bake in your muffin tin?
Matthew Kadey is a Canadian-based dietitian, food writer and recipe developer. His website proves that great things come in small packages.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tamara's Week One

My first week started out great, I was feeling good. I exercised but then Thursday….  Friday…. and the weekend hit.   Thursday a vendor brought in Mindy Mints for Mrs .Cavanaughs.  I thought I could eat just one, but no my taste buds overpowered my will power.   Work had emergency after emergency so I said the hell with it and had two glasses of wine.    Friday we had a catered work party and I blew my calories then so I had two glasses of wine that night. Saturday, like the rest of you, I hung out with friends and the alcohol took over.  I did order cake at PAPEs and left it at Susie so that was my way of cutting calories on Saturday.

Yesterday was beautiful and I went for an hour and fifteen minute walk.   I think I’m getting a cold so I’ve got to drink more water this week and make sure I get my sleep in.    I did drop 3 pound.  So I think I’ll keep counting my calories it seems to be working.

My goal this week:
-Exercise 4 day
-Plan for a glass of on wine in my calorie intake on Friday night- We are having the Paradise Friends dinner.
-Stay away from the Mindy Mints because I can’t eat just one.  

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 1-Candace

My first week was pretty good.  I worked out hard but still missed 2 days.  I really could have ate better this weekend. (no Cassie I didn't eat the chocolate cake).  With all of this being said, Rob and I went snowshoeing and I felt great! I really can tell a big difference in my attitude and how I feel.  Are you guys allowing yourself a day or a meal off from eating healthy?  You know like a cheat day? What about working out, what is everyone doing?

Here is my workout plan (not necessarily in order)
Weight training- Arms & Chest
Weight training- Legs & Back
Endurance cardio (60-90 mins) & Abs 2 x per week
Interval cardio (30-45 mins) & Abs 2 x per week

This week I need to work on the following
-Only 1 day off of working out
-No alcohol, not even the weekends
-Continue to work on portion size.

Week 1

So ladies,
How was week 1 for everyone? Did you eat better? Did you work out harder? Did you work out more? How is every feeling? We have a long, hard journey ahead of us, so the more support the better!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010


I did Body Pump for 1 hour and Body Combat for 1 hour. I am very tired. I ate very well today; had a small salad from The Store, with light dressing & drank tons of aqua! I am feeling very good! Only one problem: going over to friends house and I want an alcoholic beverage. Maybe if I stick to 2 lighter caloried drinks, I should be okay.

Let's just say I stopped tracking calories

Okay so yesterday was pretty bad.  One of my vendors sent me this amazing gift baskets with all kinds of treats.  Chocolate covered graham crackers, oreo's, pretzels and my new favorite dark chocolate dipped fortune cookies.  Needless to say my fortune was "Eat everything" so I pretty much did.  That just became my downward spiral.  So let's just say in order to not sink into holiday depression, I quit tracking my calories.  I did have a fabulous workout and my ass is sore, so at least I got that in!

Today begins another delema... It's Friday and we are hanging out with friends.  Yes on the surface this is great, but alcohol and calories become a factor.  I am trying to decide whether or not to drink tonight.  Maybe I will take some wine with me or just stick with  tonic water..... This is one area of calories that is tough.  During the week it is no problem but on the weekends when you are hanging out & drinking kind of go hand in hand.  I need to keep in mind what I want for myself and be as strong as possible.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Party

Last 2 days I have been eating healthy while working 12-14 hours for those days. I didn't work out. Today was my day off and did 30 minutes of cycling and 1 hours of body pump. Its such a wonderful feeling to be in pain. But, then I went to my works Christmas party and had a small piece of red velvet cake, 1/4 cup of  ice cream and 1/4 of a brownie. Holy Crap!!!! How many calories have I just eaten??? I am going to start counting calories and a food journal.......
- Cassie

Yoga For Everyone - Jillian Michaels "Warrior 3 Yoga" Workout

Yoga Video Workout

So I hit all my targets yesterday. Calories – 1183 calories, Water 80oz., Vitamins, and Exercise.  That Jillian Michaels Yoga video killed me.  I only did practice one but I was shaking and sweeting like a dog.  I goggled her video this morning and found on YouTube a bunch of work out ideas. I think tonight I will try her second practice and see how I do. 
By the way my dinner last night was quick easy and yummy.  Here’s what I made. I fried up a onions and two chicken breast, which I seasoned with salt, pepper and a little cayenne pepper.  I then added cut up fresh mushrooms and can mild Verde sauce and simmered it down.  (207 calories pre breast and sauce)   I then made a big salad (11 Calories per Cup, I had three) and for my dressing I mixed  on tables spoon of both blue cheese dressing and Salsa  (100 calories for dressing), and served it with a whole wheat tortillas (150 calories).    
- Tamara

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 2

Im starving! I ate so good all day and watching my calories but im starving!!! I want to eat everything but I can't and I won't! This is really hard. I missed the gym tonight........ I rolled my ankle on Friday and I wrapped it and worked out with it last night and now its swollen and im in pain. So dont KILL me because I didn't go today. I am going to rest it and ice it for tonight and im going to go tommorrow PROMISE!

- Calie

Day 1

Oh my hell!!  I am trying to do a calorie count as well it is really hard but I ate so good yesterday. I wanted a beer so bad but I held back and I'm proud! I worked out for an hour and my body is totally killing me today! but its the name of the game. it feels good to get back into this groove. thank you mom, candace, and cassie for motivating me! I cant wait to get into shape and look good! Candace about that after lunch sweet tooth i will usually eat celery and a tiny bit of peanut butter it really helps! Good job everyone! keep it up!!!

- Calie

Dam Dough Boy

Wow who would think calories can add up so quickly.  Beginning December 1st I’ve been tracking my calories and I’m trying to stick to 1200 a day.  Not only does this make me more aware on what I eat and buy, but shows my weakness.  For example, yesterday I was doing great until I got home.   I had 653 up to that point and planned my dinner so I would have hit the 1200 calories.  But then ….I made crescent rolls and had two, one with a little honey.  Well that blew it and added an extra 250 calories.  I do have to say it’s still better then how I was eating.  Yesterday total calorie count was 1579.

Early morning workout - Day 2

I got up early this morning to get my workout in, because tonight is going to be packed with Christmas shopping.  Getting up early is so tough for me but I need to make it a habit.  I always have a great day when I get up early and workout.  I am going to make the morning's my "me" time.  The nice thing is that I am super motivated for the rest of my day! 


Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 1

Had a great healthy day today! Worked long hours, but had snacks to munch on throughout the day to keep my metabolism going! And to Candace's comment about a sweet tooth after lunch, mine is sugar free red bull. I am addicted. But limiting myself to one a week.\
- Cassie

Sweet tooth after lunch

Day one is off to a great start.  I packed a lunch, ate breakfast, & skipped Starbucks!  However I am having a mid afternoon delema.... I am craving something sweet, usually this is when I grab a pepsi.  Do you guys have the after lunch sweet tooth as well.  Any ideas for things that may satisfy my craving without throwing my whole day off?


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Calie - Start

North Salt Lake, Utah
Current Height: 4'11 1/2
Current Weight: 125 Lbs
Measurements: Neck - 13.5", Arms - 11", Chest - 37", Waist - 30.5", Hips - 34.5", Butt - 36", Thighs - 21.5", Calves - 13"
Goal Weight: 110 Lbs
Body Goal: To be strong and toned and have a stronger core
All Over Goal: To get in shape and make exercise and eating healthy an everyday habit
Blurb: 1. I need to quit smoking. 2. I love BEER!. 3. I need to stop being so lazy and exercise alot. 4. I need to not be so hard on myself. WOW! that is a lot I have my work cut out for me. DAMN!!
Body Type: Apple Shape

Candace- Start

Salt Lake City, Utah
Height: 5’1”
Current Weight: 138 Lbs
Measurements: Neck- 13”, Arms- 11.25”, Chest- 38.25”, Waist- 30”, Hips- 36.5”, Butt- 40”, Thighs- 23.25”, Calves -13”
Goal Weight: 118 Lbs
Body Goal: To be toned and strong. Have a nice booty!
Over All Goal: To get in shape & adopt a healthier lifestyle. 
Body Type: Apple Shape
Blurb: Two of my biggest issues are: 1. I love soda and 2. I am terrible at packing a lunch for work. So either I eat out or skip eating all together during the week days.  I am really going to have master the skill of being better prepared.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tamara - Start

Tamara (The Mom)
Paradise, Utah
Height: 5’3”
Current Weight: 159 Lbs
Measurements: Neck- 13.25”, Arms- 11.5”, Chest- 40”, Waist- 32”, Hips- 38”, Butt- 42”, Thighs- 24.5”, Calves -16”
Goal Weight: 130 Lbs
Body Goal: To be back to fit where I don’t get winded after 15 minutes of exercise, definition  and no muffin top.
Over All Goal: To become active like when I was in my early thirties, run at least one 5K, and eat healthy and correct portions.
Blurb: Sugar and Sitting on my butt have to be things of the past.  For God sakes, I live in Paradise.
Body Type: Pear Shape


Salt Lake City, Utah                  
Height: 5'3"                                                               
Current Weight: 127 LBS                 
Measurements: Neck- 12", Arms- 10.5", Chest- 34", Waist-31",  Hips- 35", Butt- 36", Thighs- 21.5", Calves-12.5"
Goal Weight: 120 LBS                     
Body Goal: To have a defined muscles, tight abs and less fat.
Overall Goal: To have healthier eating habits.
Body Type: Pear Shape