Candace, Cassie, Tami & Calie

Candace, Cassie, Tami & Calie
December 26, 2010

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My 3 Month Results-Candace

Picture will follow shortly, my computer at home is on the fritz  but here is how I have done so far!  I started working out in the mornings and it has really changed my life.  Now I never have the excuse to not work out and my day's are so much better. Also I have quit drinking soda except on rare occasions.  Cassie tried to tempt me Friday but I didn't give in.  The big things I need to work on are drinking on the weekends and increasing my workout intensity.

I am happy and excited for the next phase!

Salt Lake City, Utah
Height: 5’1”
Current Weight: 128lb (-10lbs)
Measurements: Neck- 12.5" (-.5”), Arms- 11”(-.25"), Chest- 38”(-.25"), Waist- 28.50”(-1.5"), Hips- 36.5”(no change), Butt- 39”(-1"), Thighs- 22.75”(-.5"), Calves -12.5”(-.5") And I am adding one more measurement---Belly (area of my belly button) 32"

Goal Weight: 118 Lbs

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