Candace, Cassie, Tami & Calie

Candace, Cassie, Tami & Calie
December 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 6 on South Beach Diet.

I’m on day six and I have actually stuck to the diet.  Trust me it hard at first. Sunday I started cleaning out the pantry but not a chip, cookie, or candy touched my lips.  Ok I admit it,  I did have Kevin eat five Swedish fish because they were too tempting, and I needed them out of there.
I do believe I am having less cravings for sweet and carb.  Night time when it does get hard I have sugar free Jell-O or pudding to help.  I just a have to make it little over a week and then I can start adding in some healthy carbs.
Until next time-
Tamara (motivation photo below 132#)

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