Candace, Cassie, Tami & Calie

Candace, Cassie, Tami & Calie
December 26, 2010

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is my Scale right??

So I did my 3 intro classes to Pilates and I could tell a difference after my last class. I already signed up for my first class on Thursday morning and I am going to do Bikrim on Tuesday morning.
So I did my weekly weigh in this afternoon and it said that I have lost a total of seven pounds. I am not sure that is correct! I think my scale is messing with me for shits and giggles. I don't feel like I weight any less or more. I think it was a mean joke he was playing on me.

A New activity

Yesterday we rented cross country ski's and headed to the Uinta's.  We had a blast.  I was a little freaked out on the hills.  It was nice to try something new and active.  I am excited for pilates next week.  

Friday, January 28, 2011


My exercise this week has been dancing.
Saturday we went to the Eagles Logs and dance to country music.  I say total was about one hour total, maybe a little more.
Monday- I danced for 37 minutes.  I made a dance mix that includes The Time (Dirty Bit) by Black Eyed Peas, Empire State of Mind  by JZ and Alicia Keys, and Hollenbeck by Gwen Stephanie. 
Thursday -Dad and I went to our Ballroom dance class and learned the Fox Trot.  That was at least 45 minutes of dance. 
This is more movement then I’ve had in a while. 
Until next time-

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Still Going-Days remaining 74

So I have 74 days to go and I am right on track.  I figure I need to lose 6-8 pounds per month and I am already down 4.5 lbs, even with my trip to Arizona.  I still have 15 days to lose the remaining weight I need to in order to stay on the right course.  I think I have finally kicked my soda habit.  I may still have it once in a while from here forward but it wont be anything like it was.  I am feeling great and staying positive. 

Talk with you soon..

Monday, January 24, 2011

South Beach with a Twist of Lemon

Friday, I made it thought the introductory phase.  Now I ‘m in Phase 2 of the diet. My weight is 148.8.  I think I will remain very strict on the carb intake. 
Bonnie told me of a process she is doing and has helped her drop in weight.  She is mixing 8 oz. of fresh squeezed lemon juice, splenda  (about 8 packets) in 64 oz. of water and drinking that through the day.  She also mixed a pinch of cayenne pepper with water (like a shot) and drinks it before each meal.  She is down to 128.  This is kind of like the BeyoncĂ©  fast but withouth the fast and  maple syrup. 
Saturday I added this to what I'm already doing.  I'll keep you posted.
Until next time-

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Work Out

So I signed up for Pilates and my first intro 1 class was today @ 6 am. I learned the parts of the reformer and how to use it properly. We did some basic moves and I can tell that this is going to completely reform by body! I am so excited. I had a wonderful teacher, which helps. My next intro 2 class is on Friday morning, and I cannot wait. I also did 1 hour of body pump and cleaned my entire house today. I am tired. My diet is going very well, I am eating more proteins and less carbs, and sugar. I am down 1 lb, sweet!!!
- Cassie


I am so so sorry I have not wrote on our blog...... Im too embarrassed I have been the biggest slacker! I have not been working out or eating healthy! I have no motivation this month I dont know what to do! Ladies give me some tips on how to get my groove back!!!!!

- Calie

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 12 on South Beach Diet

I made it through the weekend. The banana cream pie almost took over, but I did not give in.  The week days are defiantly easier on my cravings because I get into a routine.  I’m down to 149.2 as of this morning.  Now I just need to get moving a little more than I have, and get back into the meditation mode.
Until next time-

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 5 Begins

Well it is the begining of Day 5.  I am still going strong and I lost 3lbs.  I am excited for Sushi tonight, I feel like I have earned it.  Also I created a new Abs Playlists.  My abs are the area of my body I like to train the least so I need some extra motivation.  Let me know if you have any motivating song suggestions.

1. Whaddya want from me-Adam Lambert
2. Stonger- Brintney Spears
3. Vow-Garbage
4. Jump-Madonna
5. Just a Girl-No Doubt
6. Excuse me Mister-No Doubt
7. Savior- Rise Against
8. Torture Me-Red Hot Chili Peppers
9. My name is Jonas-Weezer
10. Sassafras Roots-Green Day
11. White Knuckles-OK GO
12. 1901- Phoenix
13. Going through changes-Eminem
14. Let's go crazy-Prince
15. Right through you-Alanis Morissette

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 3 of 90

Here I am on day 3, still going strong.  I haven't had soda or sweets (except 2 squares of dark chocolate a day).  I have ate very healthy, drank tons of water and I got up at 5:00 am and worked out everyday this week.  I feel great, at this rate 90 days will be a peace of cake :)  My legs are excited for the day off tomorrow, they are feeling the burn baby!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 6 on South Beach Diet.

I’m on day six and I have actually stuck to the diet.  Trust me it hard at first. Sunday I started cleaning out the pantry but not a chip, cookie, or candy touched my lips.  Ok I admit it,  I did have Kevin eat five Swedish fish because they were too tempting, and I needed them out of there.
I do believe I am having less cravings for sweet and carb.  Night time when it does get hard I have sugar free Jell-O or pudding to help.  I just a have to make it little over a week and then I can start adding in some healthy carbs.
Until next time-
Tamara (motivation photo below 132#)

Monday, January 10, 2011

90 days

Here I am, I am back.  Yes I have been a total slacker on the blog and at getting in shape.  I've spent the last few weeks beating myself up because I haven't been motivated.  However all that did was make it worse.  During New Years "resolution" time I couldn't think of a specific goal.  I had so many general goals that I just felt over whelmed.  Well I have had an epiphany.  This "Fat Candace" will only be a 3 year period in my life.  It will not be my life.  I am making a change. 

I am making a change in not only how I eat and when I work out but in my thinking and mentality.  I will quit knocking myself down, and start picking myself up.  I will not be my biggest enemy but my biggest supporter.  I am making a life change.

Finally I was able to decide on a New Years resolution that is positive, attainable and specific.  I am giving myself 90 days to lose 20 lbs.  By April 10th I will be 118 lbs and healthy.  I will take these 90 days to focus on Candace and how to make Candace happy.

This blog, even though I have neglected it, has kept me feeling slightly guilty and accountable, which lets face is sometimes what we all need.  I am going to use this little space we have carved out for ourselves on the web to my advantage!   Thanks to all of you for all of your support. 

The time is now, not tomorrow.  Day 1 of 90 has come and gone.  I am on my way!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

I don't feel any skinnier!!! WHY???

I did my weekly weigh in and I am at 125 lbs. I sure don't feel any skinnier. Why is that?? I worked out 5 hours this week and I still feel the same!! My goal for the next week is to have protein & a veggie/fruit (good carb) with every meal.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

South Beach for Tamara

OK, after looking at the diet plans and my lifestyle I’ve decided to go for The South Beach Diet.  You know when planning this I had to consider Kevin, because he is my main support person.   One thing I know is he does not eat a lot of sweets or baked goods, which means I won’t have them in the house.  He love meat and does not mind salads. 
Some people may say you have to do what you want but here’s the thing, saying and doing are two different things.  So maybe it’s a cop out but I think taking into consideration that this way he will not sabotage me (unconsciously of course).
Who knows maybe I'll  go to South Beach , FL and look GREAT from doing South Beach Diet.
I weighted this morning and I’m at 154.4.   Today I have planned eggs, tuna fish, vegetables and nuts for breakfast and lunch and chicken and a salad for dinner.  

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Where is Candace and Calie??

Um ladies,
You need to be writing more posts on the blog or its going to crumble..... My week has been going great! I worked out for 2 hours today- it included 1 hour of body pump and 1 hour of cardio, I had a salad with lots of veggies and a veggie chicken patty. Went to Whole Foods today and got protein and protein bars. I am feeling great!!!
My weight check will be Sunday night!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Waiting to Start?

Why does it seem that I'm great at waiting to start?  I do great when I have a set schedule but if there is any deviation I say, I'll start tomorrow.  Well there have been plenty of tomorrows.  Ok, so in the tree photo I weighed the same 159 lbs.  Tomorrow I will check out my plan options.  Here is what I'm thinking of:

Option 1- Just counting calories along with 30 min exercise four days a week.
Option 2- Jillian Michaels online program
Option 3- South Beach Diet
Option 4- Suzanne Summers Sexy Forever (for over 40)
After I check these out tomorrow, I will make my decision and work hard at sticking to it. 

- Tamara

September 2009

Sunday, January 2, 2011


My New Year Resoultion is to try something NEW every month!!!!

So my new diet is called The Zone Diet. Its all about moderation and balance. Its a long term way to eat smaller portions and still enjoy the foods that I love. Balancing my protein, carbs and veggies. I am going to make more vegetarian meals, and stay away from beef and pork. I am only going to eat chicken and fish.
Lets go 2011......