Candace, Cassie, Tami & Calie

Candace, Cassie, Tami & Calie
December 26, 2010

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My 3 Month Results-Candace

Picture will follow shortly, my computer at home is on the fritz  but here is how I have done so far!  I started working out in the mornings and it has really changed my life.  Now I never have the excuse to not work out and my day's are so much better. Also I have quit drinking soda except on rare occasions.  Cassie tried to tempt me Friday but I didn't give in.  The big things I need to work on are drinking on the weekends and increasing my workout intensity.

I am happy and excited for the next phase!

Salt Lake City, Utah
Height: 5’1”
Current Weight: 128lb (-10lbs)
Measurements: Neck- 12.5" (-.5”), Arms- 11”(-.25"), Chest- 38”(-.25"), Waist- 28.50”(-1.5"), Hips- 36.5”(no change), Butt- 39”(-1"), Thighs- 22.75”(-.5"), Calves -12.5”(-.5") And I am adding one more measurement---Belly (area of my belly button) 32"

Goal Weight: 118 Lbs

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cassie- 3 month

Here is my 3 month weigh in! My body has stayed the same, except for I lost 3 pounds and my arms are skinnier. My waist, butt & thighs are the same.
I need to push myself a little bit more! Picture coming soon!! for now I will post this one!!!!

Salt Lake City, Utah             
Height: 5'3"                                                               
Current Weight: 124 LBS                 
Measurements: Neck- 12", Arms- 9.75", Chest- 34", Waist-30",  Hips- 35", Butt- 36", Thighs- 21", Calves-12.75"
Goal Weight: 120 LBS                     
Body Goal: To have a defined, lean muscles, tight abs and less fat.
Overall Goal: To have healthier eating habits.

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Pictures and Measurments

Let's plan to post new pictures and measurements this Friday 3/11/11.  This will be a few days off of of our 3 month anniversary on the blog.  Also hopefully it will get us pumped up and ready for spring!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Goal for March

My weight is currently at 124 LBS. I have lost 3 pounds. Its not that much really.
My goal for the months is too focus on my core and abdominal muscles. I want to have a six pack by my Birthday!!
I have cut back my sugar habits and drinking habits. I am still having too many redbull/vodka. Its all about moderation. I am eating smaller portions and it work. I have started putting lemon juice in my water. (thanks mom).
I have been doing alot of Pilates and body pump. This week I have worked out 5 hours and have one more hour to go.
By the way MOM, you look amazing...
-Cassiepicture of lady in bikini with a flat stomach

Friday, March 4, 2011


If anyone is out there in blog world I finally got below 130lb this morning!  I haven't been under 130 since my wedding... 6 years ago!  Needless to say I am ecstatic! 

Heading off to workout!
(and yes for us Seinfeld fans, I did mean to use all those exclamation points)
